Monday, January 6, 2014

Using Templates For Clipping Shapes in Photoshop - How To

One of the great things about Photoshop is there are so many ways to get the same thing done. In We Lived Happily Ever After she crops photos in assorted shapes without a formal clipping mask. It's a pretty sweet shortcut.

I will make a shape, place it and do a clipping mask. She makes a border and and cuts out the shape inside. I'll show you my notes and you can decide which you prefer. I made a png rounded corner frame in Illustrator and you're welcome to use it. Click on it to make it bigger.

rounded corner photo of bananas with a transparent background

rounded corner frame with a transparent background

Clipping Mask Version:

Place the background photo.
Command J to duplicate the layer.
Place the border image.

Click on the Layer Mask Icon.
Apply the Magic Wand inside the frame. You'll see "marching ants" inside the border.
Select > Inverse (If you don't do this you'll get the image outside instead of the inside image.)

Go back to the duplicate layer. Press delete.

Delete the layer mask layer and the first background layer, this will leave the cut out image.

Select > Deselct (Command D) to get rid of the marching ants.

If you want a transparent background save the file as a png. Select Interlaced.

We Lived Happily Ever After Version:

Place the background photo.
Place the border image.

Use the Magic Wand tool inside the border.

Hide the layer you just made by clicking the eye symbol. Now you will only see your image with the cut out "marching ants".

Command C to copy.
Command V to paste.

Delete the background layer and save.

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